Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Date: 29/07/08
Time: 4.00- 6.00pm

1. Assigned new task to start on product design specification.
a. Fahmi: It is difficult to find the costing of the whole simulator. It is suggested that it is better to concentrate o finding cost for separate parts (e.g. bike, screen, projector, actuators)
b. Yap and lee: concentrating on the technical part of the PDS. Lee will be searching from the old information obtained and Yap will look for more new info from the net.
c. Tan: will be searching for standards required for motor, actuators, etc. from the library.
d. Yap: Ergonomics.
e. Lee and Yusof: assembly and disassembly. Yusof will be concentrating on the new info from the net and Lee will concentrate on old info obtained previously.

2. Next meeting will be held 9 pm 30 July 2008 at library.

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