Date: 24/7/08
Place: C23- 5041
Time: 10.15- 11.00 am
1. Report on latest progress
a. Tan : found 2 suitable books for the project
i. Motorcycle chassis design: The theory and practice
ii. Vehicle Stability (mathematical requirement)
b. Lee: Extracted the most common usage and actuators used for motorcycle simulators. Did a table for actuators comparison.
c. Yap: Found 4 main aspects for motorcycle simulators which are turning, balance, braking and vibration. Suggested better to have a non-fixed platform to have a better experience. Suggested to narrow down the age and weight range of Malaysian.
2. Members suggested include more pictures in the report of the background of study to have a better visualization for member and other readers.
3. Fahmi reported to the project manager that there are no relevant materials that can be used for the assignment. Project manager suggested that the material used can be based on the real motor chassis material which can be used from the book.
4. Yusof reported on the body movement when riding and explain on the fall analysis to the project manager.
5. Work done will be uploaded into the group website.